071 5891288


A baby shower is not just an American phenomenon, in recent years more and more expecting mothers in Europe and the Netherlands were surprised with a fun baby shower before their babies were born. Celebrate this special occasion at Brasserie Groep with high tea, lunch, drinks or pregnancy proof small bites.


Enjoy our lunch or brunch complete with a selection of alcohol free drinks of course.


Together with friends, the expecting mother and her family you will enjoy the best small snacks, completely pregnancy proof. Of course there are many alcohol free drinks to choose from, these include healthy fresh juices, alcohol free beer.

Contact us

Hosting a baby shower at the Brasserie Groep? We would love to help you create the perfect afternoon or evening. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

Questions? Contact our reservations department!

Can be reached by telephone:
Monday till Tuesday fromĀ from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Wednesday till Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

T. 071 5891288
E. info@brasseriegroep.nl

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